They're Ours!!!
She said: Yesterday was great, but pretty hectic. We rode the bus to the Chinese Affairs office and we could hear babies chattering down the hall. All of the families were lead in to an empty room, and soon the nannies brought in all the babies. They called each family up to the podium one at a time, and of course the twins were last. I knew right away which twin was which, but P wasn't so sure. Our babies didn't cry at all during the hand-off like many of the other babies. We rode the bus back to the hotel, and took them up to our room. We tried to change their clothes, but they didn't like that much. Soon they will learn I hope!!
We then headed back downstairs for yet more paperwork and together time. Tomorrow we will meet at 8:30am in the lobby to go back to meet with the orphanage officials to answer their questions, then off to the notary.
It's been a long day and lots has happened. We're exhausted and we'll post some additional information about the day tomorrow. Until then, please enjoy the pictures. They are now our daughters.

How wonderful! What a beautiful family! We are praying for you all and you safe trip home. Love and Peace, BA
WOW, these girls are absolutley gorgeous. This is a fantastic day. Welcome to the family (extended) Sydney and Alex. We are ready to have you home.
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