Summer Approaching
With summer approaching, we are getting bigger and stronger, not to mention more active. Because it's gotten warmer out, we're now taking more walks to the school / park. We've discovered the slides and swings and have decided we like them. We're able to walk up the steps and pull our way up to the slide(s) and are even sliding down by ourselves. We're also talking, though not complete English words yet. We know where our hair, mouth, tongue, ears, nose, hands, feet, and arms are and we can even wash our own hair in the bathtub. When asked, we'll even point to identify Mommy, Daddy, and Sister. In addition, Daddy has taught us how to dog pile. It's quite fun for us to lay on top of each other. Enjoy our latest pictures!

Alex in front and Sydney in back.
Our Great Grandmother on our Dad's side came to visit us too. The picture below was taking while she was in town. We refer to her as Gigi.
So we are looking forward to the summer. We'll have a lot of opportunity to get out and play and to see more family. Our first Mother's Day is fast approaching and we can't wait since our entire immediate family will be over for the celebration.
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