With Summer coming to a close, we got on to Daddy for not having updated our blog site recently. So, to catch everyone up, let us tell you all that we've done this Summer.
We took two vacation trips during the Summer. Our first trip was to Amarillo to see Gigi and other relatives on Daddy's side of the family. Mimi and Pappa also went with us on this trip. While we were there, we also sent time with Daddy's two best friends that he grew up with (Chan & John) and their families. One night was spent out at Wonderland, which is an amusement part. We had a blast. We also were pretty smitten on a few older boys. Chan's boys showed us around and carried us on their shoulders. We had a really fun time riding the rides and hanging out with everyone. The pictures below are of us with Gigi, and some other pictures with family and Daddy's friends.
The second trip was to Philly to be flower girls in a wedding. Let us just say that we were so cute in our flower girl dresses with our fancy shoes and flowers. So many guests at the wedding were so complementary and just thought we were so adorable. But, we have to say that the best part of the wedding was the dancing. Daddy got us on the floor and we had a blast. We even got in the Conga line and followed everyone starting from the inside of the room to the outside grounds and back in. Overall, the trip was great. Mommy and Daddy were a little frustrated with driving around in Philly due to the layout of the roads and highways, but we still had fun. We also visited the Touch Museum, saw deer while driving around Valley Forge, and had a great visit with Harper's family (another friend of Daddy's). We've included pictures below from this trip too. Oh, and please don't ask about the flights back and all the adventures that Mommy and Daddy encountered. Let's just say that we'll have stories to tell for along time.
Lastly, we completed a total of three weeks worth of swimming lessons. We took lessons from a local group of brothers that taught out of their parents pool. They were great. We're now diving under the water and kicking. In addition, we love going off the diving board. We tried to spend as many weekend days as we could at the local aquactic center in Coppell with Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, and Pappa. We love the pool and we look forward to next summer and further improvement in our swimming skills.
In addition to the above activities, we are still enjoying our gymnastics and we've moved on to a team. Although, the team is not a competition team, we are learning the basic gymnastic skills to provide the basis for us to move on. We'll continue our involvement in gymnastics through out the school year going twice a week.
We also were involved in ice skating lessons (because of Daddy's love for ice hockey). We've been doing very well through out the lessons. However, with school starting soon and the addition of attending Chinese language lessons once a week, Mommy and Daddy decided we should probably take a session off. However, we're looking forward to skating lessons again soon.
School starts in a couple of weeks for us. We'll be attending pre-school three times per week this year since we've become big girls. We're looking forward to another great year!
Enjoy our pictures and hopefully Daddy will be more on the ball in updating the site more frequently.
With Gigi and her dog May.

On the train at Wonderland.
Riding the boats.
On the train with Cullen & her daughter Olivia.
With the Davidson Boys.
The Group Shot.
With the Bride, Tiff.
Sydney striking a pose.
Sydney dancing with Daddy.