A Haircut and Other Activities
So, we finally had our first haircut. GaGa (Granny) was even with us to see this monumental occasion. Mommy and Daddy were very happy with how good we acted in getting our hair done and when it was completed, they couldn't believe we were the same children. Below are before and after pictures.
Sydney's before picture.

Sydney during her haircut.

Sydney - Blown and Styled!

Ally before her haircut begins.

Ally during her haircut.

Ally - The finished product! Beautiful!

Ready to hit the town for some shopping!

In addition, we continue to advance in our gymnastic skills and our coach has approached Mommy and Daddy about moving us up to the big girl classes. This means we would end up going two days a week for an hour and a half each week instead of only going once a week on Saturday's for 45 minutes. We would also get to move out onto the big floor area and would begin to learn more advanced skills. Our parents are amazed at really how good we are for our age and how much fun we have doing it. Daddy's scared to ask how much this will cost though. We told Daddy to get over it. Anyway, we can't move up until school ends for the year because the classes are held on the same days as school right now. So it will probably be Summer before we begin our new adventure in this area.
We also started ice skating lessons and we're having a ball. Our classes are once a week for only 30 minutes, but we can already stand on our own and can move around the ice. We've learned how to catch our balance if we feel like we're going to fall and we know how to correctly get back up on our own if we do fall. We posted some pictures from when Daddy took us skating with our new skates that we got at Christmas below. Daddy promises to download and post some additional pictures of us at our skating lessons on the next update.
Sydney in Daddy's arms at the rink.

Ally taking a ride around the rink.

Mommy and Daddy told us the other day that they can't believe how much we have blossomed in such a short time. To them, it seems like within the last month or two we just seem to really have made some big strides. We can now count to ten in English, Chinese, and Spanish. We also know our basic colors in both English and Spanish. Through our Chinese lessons we're beginning to know a few words. In addition, because our Nanny is from El Salvador, she constantly speaks in Spanish to us and we may not be able to speak conversationally, but we understand and respond to the language. Aren't we amazing little girls!
We hope you enjoy the new pictures and we have a fun year planned ahead too. Besides our current week-to-week activities, we'll have pictures and stories to share as we have trips planned to San Antonio, to see some big whale at Sea World; to Philly to attend a wedding as flower girls; and back to Disney World in November. We are so looking forward to our vacation adventures. Enjoy and take care. - Ally & Sydney
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