Wednesday's Activities
He said: We made it through the night pretty well. Sydney was a little restless and would whine out now and then, but would find her thumb and be right back to sleep. Alex stayed a sleep all night without any disruption. The morning came early and we were off to the Chinese Civil Affairs Office to sign all the Chinese paperwork. The pictures below were take there. We also had to ink our thumb prints on every document we signed and then each of the girls had to stamp a document with their footprint. At the end of all of this, the orphanage Director gave us all a gift. Each gift contained two pictures of the orpahage, some dirt from the orphange, and then a red decorative Chinese cord with a picture of each of the girls on it. The pictures must have been taken as newborns. In addition, we were given some additional pictures that were taken of the girls when they were younger. In one of the pictures, we think the two girls are with their foster mother. We found out last night that both of the girls have been at a foster home for about the past two months. The real tear jerker came right after this when our guide gave us the original notes that were left on the girls. Of couse it's all in Chinese, but it gives their birth dates and the time each was born. Alex is the oldest by 54 minutes.
So how do you tell them apart? Alex has a slightly longer face and Sydney's face is a little more round. Jan seems to have no problem telling them apart. I on the other hand, sometimes get mixed up. In the picture below, Alex is on the left and Sydney is on the right.

Here are some more pictures. (1st - Alex asleep, 2nd - Alex is far, and Syndey is near.)

Here's a typical street scene in Nanning taken from our tour bus. Usually, all the people on bicycles, mopeds and the like are staring at all of us on the bus and laughing amongst themselves. We have no idea what they are saying.

Congratulations. You have a beautiful family. I liked the gifts provided by the orphanage, especially dirt from the orphanage. Take plenty of pictures.
Jan and Parish - we are so very happy for you - they are gorgeous. We really are enjoying your pictures. Best to all, Norman and Marcia
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