Alex & Sydney - The Twins

Adopted twin girls from China.

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker <

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Home At Last

Well, after seven airline trips (on three different carriers), one train ride, one boat ride, too many bus rides to count, six different hotels, and crossing through four different countries, we all made it back home with the girls. As a way to wrap-up this blog, I'm posting pictures that were taken at upon our airport arrival with the twins and their first meeting with Granny (Jan's Mother), Mamaw (Jan's Grandmother), and Papa J (Parrish's Father), just after we passed through customs. The twins are anxiously awaiting thier first meeting with Pops (Jan's Father) once he returns to the States.

Even my two best buddies Chan and John flew in just to see us and the girls.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Out of China

Well, we left Guangzhou, China, bright and early this morning bound for Hong Kong. We almost missed our flight due to the length of time it took to check-in and get all the various families to their appropriate areas within the airport. We were literally the last ones on the airplane. Thank goodness that one of our traveling families was also on the same flight and a little ahead of us. They starting telling the flight personnel that we were on our way and we had two babies! The flight personnel were very nice and even pushed the stroller down the jet bridge for us.

The flight was so short, I barely got settled and we were approaching our landing. The girls did just fine. We're staying overnight at the airport hotel because we are leaving early tomorrow morning. Yeah! We're coming home!

So since we have left China and are on our way home, we thought we would list the things we're tired of and the things we're looking forward too. Keep in mind, this has been a trip of a lifetime. We've had ups and downs, but at the end-of-the-day, we now have our daughters for life.

1. Hotel Rooms
2. Rock Hard Beds
3. Cantonese Food
4. Luke Warm Sodas
5. Brushing Our Teeth with Bottled Water
6. Buses
7. Strange Smells
8. Packing and Un-packing Our Suitcases
9. Squatty-potties
10. HBO - It's different over here and it's been the only English Channel

1. Our Own Home
2. Mexican Food
3. BBQ
4. A Cold Drink with Ice
5. Iced Tea
6. The Dogs
7. Good TV (duh - Parrish's entry)
8. Ice Hockey (guess who again?)
9. Being on Our Own Schedule
10. Not Being Sick

See ya in the States!