Finally, an update! - It's Summer Time
Well, our Daddy has been so busy with a new role at work, keeping up with both of us and assuming all parental duties while Mommy is traveling to New York, Los Angeles, Tampa, and Oregon due to business reasons at various times, that he's taken too long to update our site. So to briefly catch-up everyone since the last posting, we've been to 5 different Easter Egg Hunts, colored eggs with Mimi & Papa, hosted family get-togethers for Mother's Day and Father's Day, celebrated Daddy's Birthday, spent the day at Six Flags, and finished school for the year. We've been busy! By the way, we think Mommy and Daddy escaped one night with Mimi & Papa to go to a nice restaurant for dinner without us. The reason we think this is because GaGa was over during a week night and hung out with us all night. What's up with that? We usually see GaGa on the weekends.
We're getting taller, still into playing with play-doh and chalk, going to gymnastics, starting to learn some Chinese words, and talking more than ever now. In addition, Daddy took us ice skating for the first time. We loved it and were able to stand on our own on the rubber flooring outside of the rink. We're still a little too young to take ice skating lessons, but Daddy is hopeful we can begin lessons next year. We think Daddy wants one of us to become a skater.
We're looking forward to the summer and going to the pool again. We love the water even though we haven't quite learned to swim on our own. In due time. We hope you enjoy our various pictures below and hope all are doing well.
Hugging Sisters.

Looking out the bedroom window.

The girls with Mommy, GaGa,
and Mamaw.

The girls with Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, Papa, &
GiGi in from Amarillo.

Ally, then Sydney, up-close.

Sitting together out back.

Sitting and laughing with Papa.

The girls with Papa, Daddy, & Pops.