Alex & Sydney - The Twins

Adopted twin girls from China.

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker <

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer is so close to being here!

With Summer upon us, we were talking about the things we've been up to the past few months. First of all, we took our first road trip down to San Antonio to Sea World. Mimi and Poppa even went with us. While at Sea World, we saw Shamu and the Beluga whales, fed the dolphins and the sea lions, and took in a few shows. We had an absolutely great time!

We're also finishing up our last few weeks of school too. In fact, we just completed our first school performance. It was held out in the courtyard of the school where we sang a song. It was a nice night and everyone was there to see us. This event is called Spring Sing. It was fun!

In addition, we've done so well in gynmastics that we are being invited to move to a team. This means we will begin to go to practice two times a week for an hour and a half. We're supposed to begin to learn additional gymnastic skills and will be moving out onto the big girl floor area. Yipee!

We're looking forward to a great summer. Daddy has already said that it's starting to get hotter out, which means we'll be able to go to the pool! In addition, we have been invited to Philadelphia to be flower girls in a wedding. That doesn't occur until August, but we're already practicing our walk and technique of throwing flower petals.

Here's to a great summer. Hope you enjoy our newest pictures below.

Aren't we cute as "Bow-heads"?

Can anyone say, "Road Trip"? Off to San Antonio!

In front of the Alamo with Poppa & Daddy.

At a Sea World show with Mimi & Poppa.

Feeding the dolphins at Sea World.

At Spring Sing. That's us in the middle in pink of course.

At Mother's Day helping with the presents.