Wednesday Evening

Just some random pics to post. The one on the left is Alex today, playing on the bed and goofing around. The pic on the right was taken yesterday after we got back to the hotel and changed them both. Holding two babies at once is hard work! That's Alex on the left and Sydney on the right.
We went to Walmart today found it to be very stinky and hot. Even the people who work there were fanning themselves. We are so spoiled in the states with A/C. But the stench in the store was some odd food smell, and I am more than a little scared to guess what it was. We did pass by the meat counter and saw countless things that I am trying to forget! Of course, like true "ugly Americans" we purchased Pampers, Huggies baby wipes, Coke, Pringles and Oreos, steering clear of things we didn't recognize. Even though Walmart sold Lays potato chips, the flavors were different - smoky pork lays or shrimp and lemon flavor lays didn't sound like something we wanted to try today.
We gave both girls baths tonight and they did great. They actually enjoyed it I think. We have some pics to post of that, but those will have to wait until we download them from the camera. The girls are finally down (though we are not sure if it is for the evening) and we need to sleep when they do - otherwise, we become even more sleep deprived. We just need to get them on the same schedule...thanks for sharing in our adventure on the blog!
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