Thursday Evening - The Group Photo
Tonight was the night all of the families got together for the final group shot and baby pictures. This is a tradition done at The White Swan, along with every child receiving their very own specialized Barbie from Mattel. So on with the photos...

This is our group photo of all the families and the adopted babies. It's probably hard to see, but Jan and I are just right of center. Alex is in my lap and Sydney is in Jan's lap.

Jan and I with the girls right after our group photo. Jan purchased these Chinese outfits here in Guangzhou for less than $7 US dollars. Sydney is on the left and Alex on the right.

This is our trusted guide Samson with the Twins. He has just been the best. He has made this process so much easier getting us through all the hoops and getting us from place to place. He has also been a great ambassador to China answering all our questions and giving us the history and other important information. He and I even went out running a couple of times. We can not thank him enough for his efforts. And by the way, every time he came around, the Twins just seemed to pay attention to him. Samson has also picked up how to tell the twins apart too.

This is Ann. She works with Samson and has been another guide assisting us while in Guangzhou. She just loves the twins and tells us how beautiful they are every time we see her. She a very sweet person and wanted to make sure she got a picture with the twins. Sydney is on the left and Alex on the right.

Jan, Parrish, Mimi, and the Twins.

This is a picture of all the adopted babies in our travel group on the famous red couches in The White Swan Hotel. It seems all of the crying babies were on the left, including Sydney, who just whaled out and was quite unhappy. Alex seemed to be okay for a while then felt left out and cried some too. Sydney is second from the left with Alex next to her.

A close up of the girls on the red couch. Like I said, Sydney was not happy, but Alex seems to be having a good time.

Sydney and Alex by themselves after the group baby photo. Sydney has regained her senses by now, but still had watery eyes.
Tomorrow is a pretty relaxed day. The only appointment left will be in the late afternoon where we will be visiting the US Consulate’s Office to take an oath and to receive the girls American passports. We are not allowed to take anything in with us except for our passports and the babies.